After seeing this picture, it gave me a couple of ideas. Well actually only one: that despite the manner in which the painter depicted Donkey Kong, I could still recognise it as the game, even if there wasn't a head line to inform me. Look, you can still make out the platforms, the ladders and the hammer. Like most pieces of art, there is a certain drive to analyse, deconstruct and find a message behind the artwork. I have that drive right now.
Looking at the artwork again, it is obvious from first impressions that the artwork is extremely simple. The platforms and support are merely painted lines, the barrels are simple splotches of paint and donkey kong is a brown blob with a dash of blue to represent his loins. Even Princess Peach is painted with little effort!
Yet we are still able to recognise these images as iconic gaming figures within the Donkey Kong game. Though simplistic in nature, this painting brings back memories of an iconic game way back in the 1980s.
Which brings me to my main point. No matter how simple or complicated, games will always be games. Whether we're playing (god forbid) Modern Warfare 2 or the latest incarnation of peggle, the common denominator between the two is that they are a game with a goal, and most importantly, they're fun. Strip a game of it's amazing graphics, superb audio and deep story, and it's still a game. So just like that painting above, we can still recognise games for what they are, russian or no russian.
Happy New Year!
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