Sunday, December 27, 2009

‘Why be hatin’ for?’ said the middle aged mum to her Modern Warfare 2 obsessed teenage son

So it’s Christmas day, celebrating the festive day at my Uncle’s house. Two guitar hero guitars, one awesome drum kit (that doubles as a real drum machine) and one mic. Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero 5, Band Hero and The Beatles Rock Band: all sitting there, waiting to be popped into the Xbox 360 disc drive. It didn’t matter if we played on ‘expert’ or not, there was plenty of fun to be had. ‘Any Way You Want It’ by Journey is chosen as the song to play, and we all have an absolute blast. The perfect way to bring gamers and non gamers together. Isn’t this a wonderful sight?

Or so it seems. For some gamers today, the word ‘casual’ sends their blood boiling and the sight of a waggletastic wii game sends them puking to the nearest EB. It was once believed that ‘gaming’ was only for those who could appreciate it, for those who would spend countless hours, perfecting those button sequences, and mastering the art of ‘micro management’. For anyone who forgot to reload their rocket launcher in Halo, they were immediately branded ‘noob’ and were told to scurry off to whatever hole they came from. Gaming was, and is still believed by some, to only be for the hardcore, and the onset of these new casual games, that anyone from child to grandma can enjoy, has bred contempt amongst the gaming community.

But the reality is, that nothing is ever exempt from ‘change’, not even video gaming. There was once a time where gamers were branded ‘nerds and geeks’, and it were once believed that gaming was only for those who had amazing hand eye coordination, and were able to comprehend those complex images on the screen. But the times, they are a changin! As the years went by, people started to realise that a profit could be made from video games, and that someone didn’t have to be gifted with superhuman reflexes. The face of gaming was changing, and many began to see it as a social activity, rather than something seen as only for the ‘nerds and geeks’. We can thank the Wii for advertising the notion of gaming for ‘anyone and everyone’, with the Wiimote, giving anyone who can manipulate their limbs, a chance to play. Then the onset of games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero, allowed families and couch potatoes alike, to transform into a fully fledged band. Even in the most socially awkward situations, can people still be brought together by the mere sight of ‘Band Hero’ or ‘Wii Sports’.

Yet there are some who still have the idea that gaming is only for the hardcore, and the mere sight of ‘casual’ sends them puking to the nearest EB (have I said this before?). But why? Why be so close minded for? If games can bring anyone and everyone together, why be hatin for? If games are to be truly taken seriously in today’s society, then the gamers must be open minded to new ideas and most importantly, ‘change’. Or else, how can they expect anyone else to be understanding of games? Like it or not, games are appealing to the masses now, and even if the latest incarnation of ‘Miley Cyrus sing along’ is full of waggletastic glory, be glad that somebody, who doesn’t have the necessary skills to compete in the final of the world championships of Starcraft, can still enjoy gaming as much as you and I. Be lovin’, not hatin’.

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