School tomorrow LAME! Oh well I've played a fair bit of games during the holidays. I tried to play through God of War 3 again, but I just can't. I've always found myself going back to FIFA 10...is something wrong with me? Or is something wrong with God of War 3? I have my reasons, look for a post about it later...
Funnily enough, the two games that I've really dug my gaming heels into were The World Ends With You and Silent Hill 2, both for different reasons. I've had a copy of The World Ends With You for about a year now, but it never used to work. That was until Friday, where I scoured forums to look for a fix that didn't force me to download a patch. I found one where I had to repeatedly close my ds, and guess what? IT WORKED! So I've been addicted to that, in all it's pin collecting, mind scanning, smart innovated touch screen using ways. IT.IS.SO.GOOD!
Ok now onto Silent Hill 2...Silent Hill 2 is the reason I continue to play games. For every generic FPS, every Peter Molyneux 'revolution', there's a gem that stands heads and shoulders above the rest. Silent Hill 2 is that gem. At it's core, it's a twisted and at times, depressing love story. On the surface it's a wonderfully crafted horror game, each and every little detail jangling the nerves. Just try playing that Hospital level at night with headphones. It's a spectacular gaming feat.
So yeah. There's a lot more I could say...but I've got school. BLURGH SCHOOL! Expect a post from Selina about Rhythm Heaven haha IT'S AN AWESOME GAME! It's like Warioware and Bishi Bashi with rhythm used. Play it and become addicted.
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