Yesterday when I went out to the city, I purchased at Kinokuniya "The art of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney" for a good $63.75. Why? Well, I'm a huge fan of the phoenix wright series since game one( maybe not the games on advance). Plus I'll also be cosplaying Maggey Byrde later on this year at Animania, so it'll be a good vice to have the book on hand for reference.
So what can you expect from this monstrosity of a book? Nearly everything really(besides the new Miles Edgeworth game) You got illustrations, character art with an included memo even the animation sequence! It didn't let me down, that's for sure.
Any fan obssesed with Phoenix Wright would be crazy not to own this's just too awesome. Every single page dedicated to each individual character ( some characters such as Apollo has more, but hey who's complaining?) displays the hard work went into designing the characters. I'm a big fan of the games, having finished Trials and tribulation first then going back to game one to start the story all over. The Phoenix Wright series has captivated me so much; reduced me to tears, raged at the ds, relating to the characters...even having heated debates with friends over the games.
It's more in-depth than merely being pictures.It may not be a complete guide. But I bought the book nonetheless..because I'm a true fan . That is all. xD
Selina out! *Jared come back here!*
nice bro, Im a fan of Phoenix Wright as well and I want to buy the book too! Having finished all 3 games, I can't wait to go back and replay all of it.