This bastard here should die!...Ok, well maybe shut his trap.
Now... to start off, Rhythm Heaven is unlike any ordinary music game I've played. Well maybe it's for extraordinary people who can actually tune into the game and get the beats right (Jokes, jokes!). It's not that hard of a game to play though, considering it's on the Ds. All's that required of you, is to simply tap! the screen( and scratch it, like mine). Yes...tapping, with the beat mind you. The beat would depend with whichever mini-game you decide to play, so as to provide much entertainment with different types throughout the whole game. I won't give any spoilers here as to what mini-games they offer (since I've finished the game...and I'm sure someone here hasn't :P) but you'll be able to find Rhythm rally (table tennis...but with st-st-st-sttttyllle!), Lockstep, Karate man...and plenty more. You guys just have to find them out yourselves :D
But yeahs...overall the game is worth having to swear at (..whut? hahahahs I mean be frustrated at) It's an innovative game that brings across music to gaming in a whole new level. I've enjoyed it for the countless hours it offers( and keeps offering, even though my save data is wrecked), since its replay value is quite high....maybe just play it yourself to hear this awesome game called Rhythm Heaven. I give it a 'Superb!' rating.

Dofus. Nooooo, not you silly! It's the game! A MMORPG to be exact. One that I used to play( do I still play it?...yeeeeahs..maybe) Created by Ankama ages ago ( I played this game when it was in BETA mode, which technically is the beginning of sorts.. yoinks ago) I also believe that Ankama is a french company, so that's some gaming revelation to you; Europeans can game as much as Asians can. What brought this game up again was this; * plays situation from earlier today* I walked into the newagency, looked into the gaming/hobbies magazine section, pick up an anime magazine (which I woulda bought if I wasn't lazy), flick through..and HEY WAIT A SECOND! IT'S AN ACTUAL AD FOR DOFUS!phhhwwwwwooooaar! ( To be realistic, the magazine was a UK one, so it wasn't as strange to find that there)
But it's got me thinking...why haven't I played it again? The answer really is as common with every online game you stumble upon now: money. I think I stopped playing cause Ankama asked for money subscriptions; this would you give that person higher power (for how many months they paid for) over normal players like me. And when I say higher power I mean as in accessible stuff, maps, weapons and monsters you can fight...you know, all these meaningless things you ought to think that they were free for ALL gamers of the community. But nooooo they decide on giving payers with the moolahs the good stuff! It just pisses me off seriously. I, who for one has been playing their game the longest ( SINCE THE DAMN BETA BEGINNING) is pressured to spend EUROS on becoming a premium member! No! I won't become one! I'll continue playing for free! HAH! == When I look at all the online games I occupy many hours of my intarwebz with... they're all money-hungry-greedy-guts. You get more powerful with the added benefit of better clothing/stats but really now, it all depends on your skills. SKILLZ! AND ITS NOT LIKE YOU NOOBS HAVE ANY!
/end raging rant.
Hmm...now that I got that off my chest, I reckon I should reflect on how I stand with gaming now that school's started for the term. During school term, I'm not allowed to play games. Simple as that, and I don't even touch my consoles until the next holidays come rolling around. So that issue is settled..Although I do still think about gaming and update myself whenever the opportunity presents itself, arcade...I just try and fit gaming into my life wherever possible during school term. The hardcore stuff comes within the holidays. Other than that, on the first week of the holidays I helped Jared here with a Hyper photo shoot to celebrate their 200th issue. The following pictures taken for that will be up after the magazine is sold... so as to not reveal anything just yet. When? Next Wednesday. I'll be jumping for joy to see my photography in there. If not, then screw you Hyper.
And that's all folks! See my blog http://tofurbii.blogspot.com/ for another post of my normal life (nothing interesting...*shifty eyes*) But yeahs, gaming... does a lot to you :D But in good ways...nothing bad I assure you.
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